Fire Retardant for synthetic fabric, plastics, foam rubber - Flame Stop I-DS
Flame Stop I-DS, is a Class A fire retardant made for hard to treat synthetic surfaces such as open and closed cell foams, foam rubber, nylon netting, thatching, bamboo, hay, straw, plastics, outdoor furniture and other challenging to penetrate surfaces
This fire retardant works well for both interior and outdoor applications. It's easily administered by dipping the material into the solution or applied with an airless spray pump. It can also be conveniently top-coated along with certain latex-based paints to provide seamless integration with different surfaces.
Flame Stop I-DS is non-combustible, non-carcinogenic, contains no PDBEs, and is easy to apply.
Flame Stop I-DS has been tested to the following standards: ASTM E-84, NFPA 255, UL 723: U.S. Testing Title 4 #LA 63494 (Ether Foam), Omega Point Laboratories #8924-89133 (Reed Thatching) FAR 25.853 (Polyurethane Foam), NFPA 701.
Does your project need a lot of product, then contact us today to discuss your project: (800)567-5358