(800) 567-5358
Flame Stop Fire Retardant Products
Flame Stop is the leading manufacturer of fire-resistant, and fire-retardant solutions that minimize flame and smoke spread should a fire occur. The full variety of Flame Stop products ranges from interior sprays that protect furniture and fabric materials to coatings made for exterior wood.
Flame Stop's flagship Class-A-rated fire-resistant coating for wood is Flame Stop ii.
Another popular product is Flame Stop i, which is an interior spray used to reduce flame spread on surfaces like drapery, curtains, furniture, and fabrics.
In addition, the brand offers a variety of fire-resistant coatings that may be used to stop flame spread on interior drywall. For example, the Flame Stop iii product is a paint additive specifically designed to be mixed into latex paint. When applied over interior drywall, it provides greater flame and smoke spread resistance.
Flame Stop Exterior Products:
Flame Stop Interior Products:
Flame Stop Exterior Applications
Fire protection coatings like the Flame Stop 2, and Flame Stop I-DS products address a number of exterior fire retardant projects such as: exterior wood, cedar shake/shingles, natural and synthetic outdoor furniture, tiki-huts and natural thatching, bamboo, straw, plastics, nylon netting and more.
Common Exterior Fire Retardant Applications:

Cedar shake roofs are extremely popular for thier beautiful looks and functionality. These wood shake roofs can be suceptible to fire should an ember from a fire, or a holiday firework land on them.
This is a great application for using Flame Stop to prevent the spread of flames should they come in contact with this type of roof surface.

Wood decking and framing is another great application for a wood fire retardant as embers from nearby fire pits and grilling accidents can happen.
Flame Stop is applied by painting, or via an ariless sprayer on porous outdoor wood and will last for five years before needing to be reapplied.

Tiki huts and thatch roofs are common applications where fire retardant is desired for additional fire protection. Both residental and commercial locations can benefit from Flame Stop I-DS treatment.
Many business inspectors will perform a test on commercial locations to test that a fire retardant has been applied and is working properly.
Flame Stop Interior Applications
Interior fire retardant needs such as unpainted wood, lumber, wood paneling, stage/set equipment, drapery, upholstered furniture, synthetic fabrics, synthetic decorations, clothing, carpet all utilize flame stop products for preventing flame spread and smoke dispersal.
Flame Stop also offers an additive to latex paint that when applied to to drywall provides a class a fire rating.
Common Interior Fire Retardant Applications:

Wood cabins that utilize wood burning fireplaces are a great locations for additional interior fire protection. Untreated porous wood like pine and cedar is an ideal surface target for this solution.

Theaters and stage production facilities use Flame Stop on curtains and set materials to help prevent against the accidental spread of flames and smoke during a performance.

Carpet, furniture, and drapes are another popular application for use of Flame Stop. Treating carpeted areas near wood burning fireplaces with Flame Stop I can prevent the spread of flames and smoke providing a home greater fire protection
Flame Stop Fire Retardant In Home Use
Flame Stop Fabric Treatment Test
Frequently Asked Questions:
Does Flame Stop have testing data behind its Class A rating?
Flame Stop is Class A rated for a specific application and has been tested via ASTM-E84.
Flame Stop Testing >
Flame Stop I-DS Testing >
How can I know if the treated surface has been applied correctly?
When it comes to fabric, the only way to truly know whether the product was applied correctly is to perform the NFPA 705 field test after the application. This test utilizes a kitchen match, kitchen tongs, and a small swatch of the fabric, and accurately indicates sufficient saturation.
A small-scale test can be preformed with the utilization of a sample of the treated material and a small flame (butane lighter or match). Hold a 4” x 12” piece of the treated material vertically and apply the flame to the lower portion for 10 seconds, and then remove the ignition source. The flame must self-extinguish within two (2) seconds. This test is similar to the small-scale NFPA 701 field test.
Will Flame Stop protect against forest or wild fires?
Flame Stop does NOT protect against wildfires. Unauthorized use of the Flame Stop product in a manner that is not intended by the manufacturer without written consent is strictly prohibited.
Seller’s and manufacturer’s only obligation shall be to replace such quantity of the product proved to be defective. Neither seller nor manufacturer shall be liable for any injury, loss or damage, direct or consequential, arising out of the use or the inability to use the product. Before using, user shall determine the suitability of the product for his intended use, and user assumes all risk and liability whatsoever in connection therewith.