Roll A Ramp Reducer Plate for Door Threshold
Roll A Ramps reducer plates are made of stainless steel and are designed to assist entry into narrower doorways. Each reducer approach plate is connected to the top end of the ramp to enable a more secure attachment to a doorway.
The benefit of the reducer is that no additional brackets or connections are required when the ramp is directly resting on the doorframe.
A common application for this is on the garage side door, where a ramp is required from the steps leading into the garage.
Approach plates typically arrive in the metallic zinc-coated finish. This zinc finish over the steel provides additional corrosion resistance.
Additionally, the underside of each plate has texture to help it grip the stair or ledge that the ramp will rest on.
Give us a call with any questions or to discuss your particular situation.
Find the entire line of portable ramps here >
(800) 567-5358